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  • The masthead is across the top of the magazine cover in a sans serif, red font. The colour red is used in the in -house style of the cover. This give connotations of drama but is the colour of love an passion. 
  • The colour white connotes purity, innocence and elegance. Elegance is portrayed within this magazine as it links in with fashion and the masthead "Vogue" which is contextually shared from French for the lexis of trend. 
  • The colour black gives connotations of dominance and power.
  • Consequently, red connotes strong emotions and it is used because it attracts the target audiences attention as it is bright and vibrant.
  • The flower in her hair is a representation of women being stereo-typically viewed as being gentle and fragile but as the flower blossoms the beauty starts appearing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

The in -house style on both the front cover and the contents page are very closely the same. the colours used are red. pinks and a light grey. However, this magazine had contents pages rather than just one. The typography and the anchorage of the"contents"serif font as the masthead. The pull quote next to the photo is connoting that people that have a colour have been established throughout society as well as history.  This representation is shown though the different types of clothing shown on each model as well as the colours being efficiently represented. The contents page is set out in three separate columns. This is an organised and efficient way to construct the layout of the contents page. The contents page uses three secondary images that are spread out on the page with the main image on the top right hand side of the contents page. There is a use of a turn and a plug at the bottom of the page. 


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Research - Vogue: Vogue is a fashion and lifestyle magazine covering many topics including fashion, beauty, culture, living, and runway. Vogue - a weekly newspaper in 1892 in the United States, it became a monthly publication years later. ANALYSIS OF MAGAZINE FRONT COVER: A sans serif font is being used for the typography of the masthead and the rest of the wording. The masthead is large and bold on the front cover in a gold font. This connotes that this magazine is pricy as gold is a prestige and a colour of luxury. The masthead in French “Vogue” means trend. The well known BeyoncĂ© (music artist) on the front cover – to attract a target audience preferably teenagers to middle age people. It would attract a larger audience than a model would attract. The month of the issues release is under the “E” of the masthead “SEP”. This connotes it is a monthly magazine.