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The Daily Mirror is a red top tabloid, whereas the Daily Telegraph is quality press. The red colour in the background of the Daily Mirror connotes dominance, royalty, pride as it is a British colour. The sans serif font and body text of the masthead connotes how popular the newspaper is as it is bold; the “M” is larger than the rest of the typography connoting it is the main newspaper read. This links in with Roland Berthes theory as he studied semiology and the significance of symbols and signs. The significance of the lexis of “Daily” above “Mirror” connotes that the newspaper is mirroring the news from day to day into a “mirror”. Also, the “D” is the dot on the “I” of “Mirror”.

The Daily Mirror is a Trinity Mirror as it is regulated and represented through the Labour party whereas, the Daily Telegraph is represented through the Conservatives and the Press Holdings institution – broadsheet newspaper. The Daily Telegraphs’ masthead looks archaic and old in terms of writing old English, this gives the connotation of the credibility of an old paper. Furthermore, the boldness of the masthead connotes that the target audience would be directly drawn straight at it reaching the middle class on the NRS scale (A). The Daily Mirrors’ headline is “EU RAT BORIS” gives negative connotations of his behavior which has been disgusting. The stance of the paper is black which connotes dominance with a bold, sans serif font. The headline uses informal, colloquial language about Boris connoting that the red top tabloid is supporting Camerons’ views.


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