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 Image result for avengers may 4th film poster
  • Genre- action adventure.
  • Iron man - action, stance and pose to connote his power and determination.
  • Props- the star on Captain America's shield connotes it is an American movie as well as the star concocting super strength as it is white ensuring the character played to be innocent and pure.
  • Thor is on the right hand side, his positioning suggests he is ready to fight and get rid of all the discrimination in the world.
  • Marvel - well known comic institution now owned by Disney.
  • The ratio of more men to women which connotes stereotypical views to the target audience about gender equality.
  • Blue paragraph at the bottom is the credits, it is in blue connoting this movie is aimed at a masculine audience.
  • The blue in the background also connotes dominance and wisdom in these characters all brought together as one as they are able to attack with all the faith in them individually making their own unique character shine through.


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